Monday, February 23, 2009

"...walk in the same manner as He walked."

In my study of First John, i came across this verse (2:6) and instantly began to wonder HOW this looks for me personally. So, i wrote out some follow-through questions:

- How am I making sacrifices?
- How am I changing my world?
- How am I living in communion with and obedience to my God?
- How am I bearing fruit?
- How am I making reproducing disciples?

While these were great, thought-provoking questions, I'm ashamed to say my answers were far less than sufficient. But, my study led to an earnest time of prayer and petition that God would grant the desire to make necessary changes and show me HOW to live like Him on a daily basis. I want Jesus to spill out of my life all the time and as long as I compartmentalize and hold things for myself, it will still be my selfish and prideful self that spills out of me. While this quiet time in His presence was difficult and challenging, I feel a nervous and excited sensation within that is eager to jump out in faith and commit to surrender. Pray for me, please, that I don't lose my focus or my zeal and that both are followed up with action. Some things you can hold me accountable for that I am praying about is managing my free moments (at work and at home) better - investing more time in study for personal purposes as well as for my discipleship groups and reading more. additionally, i want to find practical ways to show real love to my coworkers in our often crazy and harried office as well as to our neighbors at the PO and the convenience store, both of which i am in at least once a week. i am praying too about doing a Daniel fast for the 40 days of the lenten season. This would definitely require diligence, commitment and getting out of my "comfort zone" so to speak as many of the foods I would fast from are "comfort foods." But, this journey He is leading me on is revealing the selfishness in which I live even in the most basic areas of life, and I want so much to transition into a life of total dependence on Him and delight in His presence.

On the ministry front....please please be praying for our pastors and church members. We MUST do a better job of equipping our churches for follow-up and discipleship this year and the first step is going to be THEM beginning to VALUE these essentials in ministry. Right now the focus and emphasis is entirely on the event and follow-up and discipleship falls to the wayside, meaning in the big picture our churches rarely experience real growth and new leaders are NOT being developed. We're trying to get creative and figure out how to encourage the development of this as a value, but please just pray the Lord Himself will stir that up in their hearts and plans as they prepare for upcoming events. And if you have suggestions/resources I can share with them please let me know!

Last thoughts - my 23rd birthday was Friday and my sweet Father God just decided to totally and completely overwhelm me with love. :) My amazing church family at the Light and my roommates worked to plan a marvelous surprise party for me at John's house. (For those who don't know, John is an incredible man of God I have come to know over the last year in Baltimore and also a fellow USC2 working directly with the network of churches that my new church, the Light, belongs to. God is blessing me abundantly in this new relationship He's brought about with John.) All that said, my birthday was spent celebrating with some of the most beautiful people I know and I felt loved beyond measure. Thank You Lord for being so wonderful to me!

Thank you again for your prayers and love. I pray each of you would experience God's presence and grace in a unique way today. Enjoy our Jesus and please keep Baltimore in prayer.

LOVE! -m


John said...

Happy belated birthday! See you next week at the GIC.

cindysig said...

So, my verse of the week is:
"to be spiritually minded is LIFE and PEACE." Romans 8:6b

Great questions you've got going there, girl. You challenge me and I love you for it.
Praying for you! See you Friday!!