Monday, February 9, 2009

joy made full...

i just started a study of 1 john with 3 of my fabulous ladies from the Light and this little phrase, "joy made full" came up in chapter one, verse four. we're taking the study slow - one chapter a week, so it's giving me a better opportunity to dig out the diamonds. this phrase jumped out at me the first time i read it and i've taken some time to study it a little further and read through various old and new testament accounts of what and who should be making my joy full or complete. when i stop and think about it, my cup of joy is always running over if for no other reason than the fact that i belong to Him and He is more than enough for me.

please be praying for my church this week. the Light is in a continual season of transition. we are sharing space with another church that is part of our 3-church network and while it's a privilege to worship as one body, it brings its own sort of dysfunction and disjointedness for the two congregations. pray for peace for each member and for the ability of our visitors to feel welcome and at home even in the midst of a somewhat confusing season in the life of our church.

MICA - the Maryland Institute College of Art is where many of the Light members have graduated college or are currently attending. this campus has been heavy on my heart this week. art students represent a culture all their own and the approach for ministering to them and meeting them where they are is entirely unique to any other form of outreach. even my artist sisters at the Light are at a bit of a loss to know how to reach these students with a message of hope and life transformation so we are praying for boldness and wisdom in our outreach and for the Holy Spirit to do a mighty work on that campus and in Mt. Vernon.

last night i had an opportunity to meet and talk with a few students who all came to worship for the first, second or third time. all MICA students who had come at the encouragement of one of our own. Jesus shines brightly in this girl and i'm so thankful for the way she loves on her peers on campus. among her friends was a guy who grew up catholic but without much thought of personal relationship with his Savior and a girl who grew up Jewish and now balks at organized religion and isn't sure what she believes about any sort of deity. pray for these guys as my friend has opportunity to share her Jesus with them and pray they find a home in our Sunday night gatherings.

pray too for a guy named Wayne who is a tenant in the building where the Light meets for services. he is unhappy that a church is there now and has been actively seeking ways to run us out of that space. his usual gesture is blasting hip-hop music from both his upstairs apartment and his downstairs video store while the Light is meeting for service. while it's certainly not accommodating, God is greater than any disturbance and we are just begging Him to do a mighty work of salvation in Wayne's heart. what a blessing it would be to see him profess Christ as his Savior and Lord.

the staff of the Light and the other churches in the network are taking this week to fast and pray over the direction of the churches and God's will for these congregations. pray for their strength and clarity and for God to speak a common vision to their hearts. pray for their physical and emotional well-being as we press on through a season of trial and transition.

thanks for your prayers, guys. they mean so much to me!

i can't tell you what a blessing this body of believers has been to me over the past year and its a tremendous delight to serve alongside them and be a part of the life transformation that takes place within the church and through its ministry. a church home was an earnest prayer request on my heart this time a year ago, and i just praise the Lord for the way He has answered that request. be blessed and be a blessing today and let Jesus make your joy full. :) love - m


John said...

We are looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks at the GIC. Have a great week.

Dixie said...

Hey Maria -- I'm cheating! My students are working on their assignment in class and i got time to jump over here and say I'm praying for you and the Light Church. Art students are joy because they see things so different! I never cease to be amazed at diversity; the spice of life. God plans diversity so we can depend on Him alone to figure out our world... or our universe. Got to get back to universe navigation... Love and hugs, Dixie