Wednesday, March 11, 2009

my cup runneth over

i don't even have words for how tremendously blessed i feel coming home from the Global Impact Celebration at First Baptist this past week. i have always dearly loved my home church but to be celebrated, prayed for, hugged a million times, and loved on so tremendously- i was just amazed and astounded by God's sweet grace and love that was poured out through the encouragement and support of so many First Baptist people. i also had opportunity to spend time with some fantastic missionary families, one in particular with three beautiful daughters who are about to move off to Dubai for 3-5 years. i loved getting to know those girls and had a great conversation with their parents about discipleship and church starting. families on the mission field together is a beautiful thing. i love it. :)

part of my time at the GIC this week was also spent with the youth as a Disciple Now home leader for the Sr. Girls' group and as a "resident missionary" with my childhood best friend Tara. that was a super experience as well. tara and i kept commenting in amazement at all the familiar faces of children we BABYSAT! ....they're now 6th, 7th, even 12th graders. wild. the theme of the DNow was "live love" and once again in His awesome sovereignty and wisdom the curriculum covered texts from john and 1 john addressing concepts of living love and abiding in Christ, the theme that has come up repeatedly in my personal life and study for the last few weeks. just further confirmation that God has something specific to teach me and areas in which i need to grow as i study these texts. i was very encouraged to talk to shana and deb (two incredible and hard working servants in the youth ministry) and hear what great strides toward growth some of those kids are making, a couple girls even surrendering to career missions. what a joy to see tears fill these leaders' eyes as they talk about seeing God's hand upon the lives of the students. awesome.

one sweet (and nostalgic!) evening was spent on a soccer practice field with my tremendous soccer coach from years ago. Coach K has been an incredible blessing to me since my first encounters with him on a soccer team in '96. a godly coach and a dear friend with a heart for encouraging others, he is still one of the first faces i look for when i come into the sanctuary for sunday morning worship at FBC Rogers. last thursday i had a chance to join a practice with him and chelsey and their next generation of soccer players. such a fun evening.

with a couple personal days that i took before the GIC began i also got to visit Tech and spend some precious time with more wonderful people who have helped shape who i've become. my God has blessed me beyond measure with the relationships i've been able to develop in church, at school, and now on my mission field in baltimore. my cup truly does run over. :) all glory and praise to God.

thanks for your prayers and love. you're all precious to me. love-m