Tuesday, April 7, 2009

we did it!

10 Miles! Who would have thought? So, after three months of training and lots of anticipation, we finally ran the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run in D.C. this past Sunday. God blessed with a glorious, sun-shiny day and the trees and flowers were blooming in radiant splendor. God's creation really does sing His praise and it made for a fabulous environment in which to run. Our little five-person running crew ran the miles together and had such a blast doing it that I think we may recruit some new runners for next year's event. Thanks for your prayers and for cheering me on.

Please be praying for focus and intentionality for me this week in my work. We are in something of an in-between time now where all the events are on the calendar and mission team matches have been made and its now up to the churches to get busy with planning, so my job has come to a bit of a slow-down for a while. I want to make the most of my time and be fruitful in these office hours. It will just take a little creativity and initiative perhaps! Not to mention, spring fever is putting me in the mood to throw on play-clothes and run around outside for a while. :)

The newness and freshness of the season seems to inspire a fresh spirit of hope and joy and excitement for things to come. What fun to be in Kingdom work at a time like this! As we approach Good Friday and Easter Sunday, I am overwhelmed to think of the HUGE love of our LORD for His people, and I pray that each of you can grasp that love in a brand new way this week.

Thank you for your faithful prayers. Love you all so much! -m

1 comment:

cindysig said...

Throw on those "play clothes" and have at it, girlie girl! :-D

Did you know there have been 11 salvations through this semester's FAITH so far? Awesomeness!