Wednesday, November 12, 2008

state convention highlights

"faith is the source of our power. hope is the core of our message. but love is the only thing that will win us a hearing." - Dr. David Lee (BCM/D Executive Director)

i had the privilege of attending my first BCM/D annual meeting this week...the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware convened in Dover, Delaware and Lily and Brandy and i got the job of manning (womanning?) the Embrace Baltimore booth for a few days (Sunday-Tuesday). southern baptists produce a lot of tremendous people. :) once again, i was blessed to spend some time around some great state missionaries as well as catch up with some of our sweet pastors and their wives. such a neat thing to have developed a relationship with those guys and now to get hugs every time we see them and know about their families and lives so we can encourage them and support them in more than just their immediate ministry efforts.

Gayla Parker, (in the photo with me, Brandy, and Lily - yes we all happened to be matching- only the girls and i planned it, Gayla was a funny coincidence!) BCM/D's Executive Director of WMU and a very dear friend of mine from AR Acteen years was sharing her WMU update in the last session on Tuesday and gave me a 3-minute spot to share a testimony of Acteens. only about one or two churches in all of the MD/DE convention have a functioning Acteens group and Gayla and i are teaming up in hopes of helping some of our churches catch a vision for implementing this life-changing ministry. please be in prayer for this desire that the Lord has laid on our hearts that we might see even one new Acteens group birthed from these efforts.

and to reference my pastors once more, i caught the eye of a couple of them while i was sharing from the podium and my heart just swelled to see the smiles on their faces. these are my pastors and i am their missionary and i can't thank the Lord enough for the blessing it has been to form these relationships with them. :) what an encouragement!

i do have a special prayer request to share - my roommate dawn has been at home in GA for a few days off and a couple of days ago her sister in law, Heather had to have an emergency C-section delivering a 14 oz. 10 inch long baby girl names Kaia-Lyn Hope. The baby is less than 5 months along and is currently in ICU. that she is still alive is a miracle as they expected her not to survive, but please keep mom (Heather) in your prayers as her blood pressure is way too high, her body is not getting rid of enough fluids, and she is on a seizure watch. pray for dad (kevin) for peace and trust in the Lord's provision for his young wife and baby girl. and pray for baby Kaia-Lyn that the Lord would keep His hand on her tiny body. thanks for your faithful prayers.

love to all of you!

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